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  北京清华长庚医院7月22日电(通讯员 张培海)继清华大学-华盛顿大学脊柱脊髓联合诊疗中心(Joint Tsinghua & U.W spine clinic)成立,北京清华长庚医院入选华盛顿大学医学院神经外科住院医师海外培训基地之一,日前,神经外科迎来首位美国西雅图华盛顿大学进修医师Dr. Buckley,双方在人才交流与培养方面的合作已经起步。

  Dr. Buckley是R4高年资住院医师,虽然已具备独立的常规神经外科手术能力,但在脊髓血管病及脊髓髓内肿瘤方面,希望得到更深入的研修。我院开业半年有余,神经外科已成功收治住院患者240余例,多为高颈段髓内肿瘤、脊髓血管畸形、寰枢椎脱位、脑肿瘤等高难病例,经华盛顿大学医学院允许,Dr. Buckley来到我院进修,了解中美医疗实践差异,同时学习中国丰富的临床病例。一周的见习时间,神经外科王贵怀主任为他制定了临床门诊、教学查房、疑难病例讨论及手术演示等详实的学习计划。

(Dr. Buckley见习王贵怀主任门诊)

  西雅图遇上北京,Dr. Buckley感受如何?每周周一和周五是王贵怀主任出诊的日子,当日的专家号早已告罄,许多从外地赶来的病人满怀希望地在诊间外守候着,他们中的许多人都是被其他医院拒之门外的疑难重症患者,这些国内相对常见的病例在美国却是少见的。诊间内,王贵怀主任一边耐心细致地向患者讲解病情,一边向Dr. Buckley介绍患者的症状、主要体征及MRI检查的影像学特征,以患者的实际情况深入介绍了脊柱脊髓等神经系统疾病的临床治疗难点及科研热点。Dr. Buckley也不时提出自己的看法,和王主任交流患者的进一步诊治建议。

(王贵怀主任查房时与Dr. Buckley讲解患者术后情况)

(圣路易斯华盛顿大学神经内科主任Hogan教授、法国里昂第一大学的实习医生Sophie Quentin de Gromard一同参与了教学查房及病例讨论)

  7月17日下午Dr.Buckley医生为全体神经外科医护人员做了题为《美国住院医师的培训习题》(Residency training system in the United States)和《神经脊髓损伤与肿瘤的护理》(《Neurological nursing care forspinal cord injury and tumor》)的演讲,以生动的例子总结了美国神经外科医护人员的临床与教学培训模式。Dr. Buckley对本次北京之行印象深刻,他总结了本次进修的心得体会,并表示通过这段时间学习,在脊髓血管病及脊髓肿瘤方面的诊疗能力有了很大提高,希望还有机会来来清华长庚医院参观学习。

  西雅图遇上北京,双方在人才交流与联合培养方面将进一步深化,“未来我们也要送出我院优秀住院医师和护理人员前往华盛顿大学医学院进修。”王劲副院长说,同时,中美两校在科研、远程诊疗方面的合作也将陆续启动,“让国内神经外科事业的发展与国际接轨,为患者造福。”(编辑 南子钰)



  为纪念本次中国临床见习之旅,Dr. Buckley特意写下了自己在清华长庚医院神经外科的见闻感受及心得体会,原文如下:


  My Memorable Clinical

  Observation Experience at Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital

  Robertt Buckley Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine, Seattle.


  I have greatly enjoyed my clinical observation experience with the Neurological Surgery team here at Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital. It has been a truly educational and enjoyable experience.

  It is clear that a very strong team is being developed under the leadership of Drs. Wang that should be able to provide top-tier neurosurgical care. The technical ability of the senior surgeons is excellent. The residents are hard-working, friendly, and eager to learn. There is a desire for continuous improvement in all the members of the neurosurgical team, and I was especially impressed by the desire of the nurses to improve their knowledge and the care they provide to their patients. The hospitality, kindness and patience shown to me by all members of this team were simply amazing, and with that institutional mindset already in place it will serve the neurosciences team and their patients quite well.

  There do remain some areas for further improvement, most of which seem to be related to the newness of the hospital and the neurosurgical team. While there is an outstanding breath of spinal pathology on display, continued effort will be needed to develop the full range of neurosurgical specialties, such as open and endovascular, functional, skull base, and tumor. Development of a true nurse-physician relationship of equals should be fostered, as this provides optimal care for patients. I would additionally recommend a department morbidity and mortality conference be instituted to provide a method to constructively discuss areas for improvement in care.

  Finally, clinical and operative autonomy for the neurosurgical residents should be strongly supported, as this will be important in helping Chinese neurological surgery transition to an American style of resident training.



  2015.07.18 Robertt Buckley

  At Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital